Friday, July 23, 2010

'Nuff said

I usually write something lengthy once a week on this blog.
This week I am going to keep it simple.

I don't care how bad your week was.

I don't care what kind of problems or let downs you have experienced this week.

I don't even care if next week is going to be worse.

Today is a great day!

See picture at right.

'Nuff said.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Most days in my life have been great. I am just happy most of the time. Happy to see my friends, happy to play with my kids, happy spending time with my wife. Just happy.

But there are days when I wish I was a turtle.

Days where I wish I had a shell that I could pull my head into and just hide from the world.
They are rare, but I have 'em.

There is an issue with pulling our heads into our shells and disappearing from reality for a bit though. It can start to become a comfortable place to hang out.

Being inside of your shell is safe…after all, you are the only one in there.
Nobody can say hurtful things to you.
Nobody can stab you in the back through your shell.
Nobody can stress you out in your shell.

That all sounds great, but here is the downside to hanging out in your shell.

Nobody can say hurtful things to you
Nobody can stab you in the back through your shell.
Nobody can stress you out in your shell.

You might think that it would be great to go through life without ever being stressed out, without anyone ever hurting you, or without ever suffering……..but you would hate it.

You would have nothing to compare.
You would never know how awesome it is to be stress free unless you have experienced stress.
You would never know how peaceful it is to have loyal friends unless you have been stabbed in the back.

To truly see how glorious the mountaintop is, you have to go through the pain and anguish of climbing up from the valley.

You don't want to be a turtle.

The shell looks cool and protective. But in the end, it's just keeping you from experiencing life. The good and the bad.

Life is calling you. Climb out of that shell.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stop playing with your balls

Have you ever stopped to think and ask yourself, "How am I living the one life I was given"?

Most of us would most likely say something to the effect of, "I work really hard so that I can buy the stuff I want, eat the food I want, live the way I want and then I go to sleep. Then I wake up and go work really hard so that I can buy the stuff I want......"

We want the big house, and the nice car. We want the latest iPad or flatscreen T.V.

I saw a documentary recently on the "Dung Beetle". Yes, I watched a show about Dung Beetles and I enjoyed it! So what.

It was quite amazing. They take the most repulsive things known to us (poop), and they play in it. They roll it around on the ground until it is round, and then depending on the type of Dung Beetle, they either eat the ball or they make their home in it.

They are thrilled to death playing with, eating, and living in.....crap.

I think when God looks at us and the goals we have set for our lives, he actually is watching a documentary on Dung Beetles.

We are thrilled to play with, eat, and live in the equivalent of a ball of crap.

Sound gross huh?

What I am trying to say is that if you are spending your life trying to accumulate wealth and the largest house on the block and the fanciest car and the flattest screen and dining at the most expensive restaurants, you are simply rolling around balls of crap.

The biggest house has never saved a life.

The nicest car has never pulled someone out of an addiction.

The flattest screen has never done anything for the widow.

Dining at the most expensive restaurant has never pulled an orphan from the grasp of hopelessness.

Stop playing with your balls. They may look good up close, but from a distance they are nothing more than stinking balls of crap.