Saturday, February 26, 2011

Get Kre-8-tiv

My cousin owns a company. It's a pretty unique business.
Party buses.
They are customized school buses for the most part. The seats as you remember them have all been removed to make way for long benches that go all the way around the perimeter.

For the most part as you would guess, the big business in these buses is done on the weekend. People will rent them out for bachelor parties or just to go bar hopping in the Cleveland area.

Some of them are even equipped with a stripper pole.

The business has been successful and has been expanding over the last several years, but I got a call from him the other day.....

In so many words he said to me, "I'm just getting tired of dealing with drunk people.......I am trying to come up with some ways to do something positive with the buses"

Yes sir.

He is trying to work out a way to use the buses to transport inner city youth to places like the Kalahari water park or other places that they may never get to experience otherwise.

How awesome is that?

Creativity. Using something at his disposal for something greater. Simply amazing.
We talked about holding and art competition where the winner, or the one with the most improved grades would be able to take their artwork and use the bus as their canvas to reproduce the artwork in a moving bus size piece of art.

He is still looking for more ideas. Feel free to send some of yours.

But more importantly, what do you have at your disposal that can be used for something greater?
You may not have party buses but you have something.

Get Kre-8-tiv. Change the world.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lessons from Home Depot (part 2)

My daughter wanted to carry the bag with the candy and everything else in it, so I warned her that the bag is heavy and it's a long walk to the car, but she wanted to do it on her own.

So she began her journey. Taking short steps. Switching arms. Growing more and more frustrated with each step…….until finally she realized that the burden is too much for her little body to handle on her own.

The Book of Matthew in the Bible records a statement from Jesus.
Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

We all want to carry the bag.

Pride tells us we can do it all by our self.
Truth reveals that we can't.

I love what my daughter said to me when she had enough. "You can carry it now, Daddy."
I was happy to. She is my child.

I specialize in taking care of her needs…….she just had to let me help her.

You are no different.

I wonder if anyone reading this has found that life's burdens are too heavy. You started off wanting to carry your own bags but lately it has become to much to handle on your own.

You need to know that there is someone right beside you who would be delighted to take that bag for you.

He specializes in taking care of His children's needs.

May today be the day you say, "You can carry this now, Jesus"