Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Show me paint the fence

Recently our kids were introduced the "The Karate Kid" movie. It had been such a long time since I had seen it that I was actually looking forward to watching it with them. The end of that movie is great (and not just because Ralph Macchio is done acting). It's the classic underdog story. The wimpy Daniel vs. the more experienced and stronger Johnny. I can remember all of my friends thought they had mastered the crane kick that sent Johnny to the floor and Daniel to the winners circle.

I took something new away from the movie this time around though.

There is a point in time where Daniel asks Mr. Miyagi to train him in karate so he can enter a tournament and defeat the bad guys one by one.
Mr. Miyagi agrees.
Daniel begins getting frustrated because instead of learning karate moves designed to make his opponents liver bleed, he seems to be being taken advantage of by Mr. Miyagi, who has a never ending list of chores that need accomplished. Everything from sanding the floor to painting the fence to waxing his cars and painting his house.
Finally, Daniel can't take it anymore and he blows a gasket. Daniel begins yelling at Mr. Miyagi about how he hasn't taught him anything remotely close to karate. He follows Miyagi around the yard continuing his rant until Miyagi decides it is time to end the tirade.
Miyagi says, "Show me sand the floor". Daniel is surprised when the motion turns out to be a defensive block of a kick from Miyagi.
"Show me paint the fence". Again, Daniel whips up the defensive motion from the repetitive movement he learned while painting the fence.
"Show me wax on, wax off".

Then the moment comes when the light switch gets flipped for Daniel........and he gets it.

He understands right there in that moment that everything he has been going through, all of the pain, all of the confusion, was for a purpose.

So when the tournament day came, Daniel had already been through the trial....
And he was prepared to handle it.

You may be going through some garbage right now.
You may be at a breaking point in your life.
You may be struggling for answers.
You may even be questioning God about your circumstance.

You may be asking God, "Why me"?
You may be asking God, "Where are you in all of this"?
You may be asking God, "What is the purpose for this predicament I'm in"?

Consider this......

Maybe, just maybe......He is training you for the tournament.
Maybe, just maybe.....This trial in your life, this stage in your life that doesn't make sense to you right now is just preparation and character building within you, so that when the tournament comes and you wonder how you are going to make it through, God can say.....

"Show me paint the fence."