Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Carpe Diem
Lewis Alpern
Jeannette Stuart
John Ber
Ira Greaves
James Herron
Max Henrici
What do these names mean to you?
Chances are absolutely nothing, but they are real people.
My wife and I got to watch a classic older movie the other night.......Dead Poet Society.
Robin Williams plays a teacher in a prestigious school for boys, who challenges the young men to look at life from a different perspective.
I was affected by a scene in the movie that I did not remember seeing before.
Robin Williams has the boys gather around a trophy case in the hallway. He told the young men to lean in and look at the photos of past young men that had attended the school a long time ago.
As they are leaning in, the teacher asks, "What are they saying to you".
The boys laugh at the uncomfortable moment, unsure of what the teacher means.
The teacher goes on, "...these men are all now fertilizing Daffodils".
He explains that the men in the pictures all waited too long to decide to do something great, and now they are just worm food.
"Lean in", the teacher says, "they are whispering their legacy to you", and in an eerie whisper the teacher says,
" .......carpe .......carpe......carpe diem......seize the day boys........make your lives extraordinary."
The people listed at the top of this post are all dead. You don't recognize their names because they led normal lives.
Right now, chances are that you are too.
I am.
But that changes tonight as I write this.
I am deciding that my family and I will no longer live normal.
We will seize the day.
I am not sure what that means right now, but we will not live a normal life.
Normal is boring and Jesus did not die so that we could lead normal lives.
He died so that we could live extraordinary lives.
He died so that we could do something awesome.
He died so that we would seize the day
There is a risk you are not taking tonight..........seize the day.
Right now, maybe God is speaking to you.........seize the day.
This very moment, you are aware of something big you want to accomplish.......seize the day.
You can do something great......make your life extraordinary.......right now.......seize the day.
CARPE DIEM!!!!!!!!!!