Friday, October 29, 2010


I remember in 1987, watching President Ronald Reagan speak from a podium and challenged Russian General Secretary Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall".

That was one of the most amazing speeches I have ever seen.

Walls are built for several reasons.
The Berlin was was built to keep East Germans from leaving for the West.
The Great Wall of China was built to keep the the Mongols out.
Dividing walls, retaining walls, walls, walls, walls.........

You and I build walls too.

Internal walls.

These wall are erected around our heart and we design them for keeping people out, for keeping our true selves in, and for separating us from things that quite possibly could damage our heart.

Those people in communist East Germany lived quite differently on the other side of the wall than the West Germans did, but in November of 1989 that all changed when the wall came down. There was a fresh beginning and free people began chipping away at the wall and pouring over it, culminating in a giant impromptu celebration that anyone alive at that time remembers.

When we keep our walls up, we rob ourselves of total freedom. You don't let people completely know you and you will never know people completely without tearing down walls.

I know it's difficult. I know it's hard to open yourself up to possibly being shred apart by someone that you let into your heart, but isn't it lonely inside of those walls?

Go ahead. I dare you. Put yourself out there. Open yourself up to possible rejection or humiliation. What's the worst that can happen?

"Mr. or Mrs. _________ ........Tear down those walls!!!"

Freedom is on the other side.