Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Holy Ship


We have all seen them before.

The ship in the bottle. Some of them are pretty amazing.

Do you know what I noticed after looking at them over the years though?

The bottle is insignificant in the big picture. Sure it holds the ship, but nobody is looking at the bottle.

The sailboat inside of the bottle is what’s so amazing.

The detail of the ship and the awe of how it got into the bottle is what lures people in.

Now, I want you to pretend for a moment the the bottle was opaque.

Close your eyes for a second and imagine that all you can see is the bottle and not the contents.

The bottle sucks doesn't it.

It’s boring.

Nobody gives a rip about the bottle.

It’s just a freakin’ bottle!!!! There is nothing special about it.


When we made the decision to allow Jesus to be the leader of our life and the forgiver of our sins, our boring opaque bottle was filled with something magnificent.

Something alluring and attractive and full of awe resides in our bottle.

Did you know that we have control over the opacity of our bottle?

We do.

We can either choose to let the opaque color give way to clarity and reveal Jesus dwelling inside of us, or we can pretend the boring opaque bottle is what people want to see.

Thank God, I am no longer the person I once was. People that knew me a while ago are still trying to figure how something so awesome got inside of my bottle.

But they wonder it because they can see the ship.


There is a ship in our bottle

Can people see it?

Does the way we live our life allow people to see the ship?

Reveal the ship and your neighborhood will change!

Reveal the ship and your city will change!

Reveal the ship and your country will change!

Reveal the ship and your world will change!

Reveal the Holy ship!