Saturday, March 19, 2011

Caller ID

The most amazing invention on the last decade.....hands down....CALLER ID.

It's awesome isn't it? Don't lie! You know I'm speaking the truth.
That phone rings and you pick it up to see who is trying to reach you, and you have about 2-3 seconds to decide if this person on the other end is worthy of your precious time.

You know I'm right, that's why you're smiling right now!

So there are times you answer the call. There are times when you don't.

Either way, the call comes. Jesus calls each one of his children at some point.

If you are reading this, you are not exempt. The call has been placed to you.
At some point, the call has come.......and you have done one of four things.

1.) You didn't even bother to look at the caller ID, and kept on doing whatever you were doing.
2.) You forgot to look at the ID and yelled at the person on the other end and warned them of the danger they were in if they aver called you around dinner time ever again.
3.) You looked at the caller ID and decided not to answer.
4.) You have decided to pick up the call.

If you responded with #4, then you can stop reading.

If you chose #1, #2 or #3, then I hope you lean in and read this very clearly.


Jesus is not known for trying once and moving on.
He made you.
He is interested in you dropping what you are doing and listening to what He has to say.

Maybe you heard His call to turn to Him and you didn't even bother to answer.
Maybe you felt Him calling out to you and you yelled at Him for bothering you during dinner.
Maybe you felt Him calling you but you looked at the caller ID and it said: "Jesus, what up homie?", and you laid the phone back down and picked up the X-Box controller again.

I just want to share something with you.....JESUS HAS REDIAL!!

Sooner or later, when you least expect it, He is gonna hit that redial button, and you are gonna have to talk.

He presses the redial button because he doesn't have an option.
He loves you.
He is love.....and love never fails.
He will track you down, and when you finally answer that call, I pray that the conversation ends in conversion.

Stop avoiding the call. He can be a pest when He wants to be.
Just skip a few steps in between and engage in the dialogue He has been waiting to have with you you.

Caller ID.

Please just pick up the phone and save yourself the trouble of His redial.
Trust me. He is extremely busy and there are plenty more calls to make.