Sunday, May 29, 2011

7 Deadly sins (Lust)

Lust: To have an intense desire.

Ok, so of the seven deadly sins, this is the one I struggle with the most. I am a night and day difference from where I was 5-10 years ago, but I still have my moments.

I call lust the silent destroyer because unlike other sins, you can hide lust within the depths of your being and nobody is privy to your issue......but it destroys you from within.

I could be talking to a woman and looking her in the eyes and sincerely listening to her intently, all the while catching glimpses of her body and wondering what it might look like with nothing else on.

I can recall when I really started trying to remove lust from my life. My wife and I were watching an award ceremony on TV and my wife said, "Tom look at the dress on this woman, she might as well not even be wearing anything".

She was actually helping me along in my sin without knowing it.

At that moment I sat her down on the couch and told her that I struggle with lust. I explained that I had no desire to act on any of it, but it was a real struggle and I would need her help to get me through it.

I am convinced that the majority of my lust issue stems from having intercourse with other women before I found my wife and got married.

God doesn't tell us not to have sex before marriage to be mean.
He tells us not to have sex before marriage because He knows that the road afterwards is going to be so much more difficult to travel down afterwards.

What truly helped me out of it was I had a great mentor in Christ named Pastor Jake (He is still a great mentor in my life). He shared with me and listened to me and told me about this book called Every Man's Battle that he thought would help me even further.

It did.

To any man that reads this that struggles with lust..........which is every man that reads this, I highly recommend that book.

I still have my moments.

I am imperfect..........but my marriage is so much better now that I am in the trenches fighting against the sin instead of being buddies with it.

When you lust after another woman. You steal from your spouse. You steal the thoughts that she and only she is entitled to.


Get in the trenches, men.