Saturday, July 18, 2009
Amazing Grace
I am halfway through this book called "The backward life" by Jarrod Jones, and the book has not been all that great but I came to this one section where he is talking about Isaiah's encounter with God and how these angels that were present were burning from God's holiness. These are angels, WITHOUT SIN, and they are on fire because the holiness of God is too much for them to handle. Why in the world He would want a personal relationship with me is unfathomable. I just know that if the sinless angels were on fire, My sinful life would cause me to spontaneously combust within a picosecond. I always hear skeptics say, "If there is a God, why would he let bad things happen to good people?" The problem with this statement is the term "good". If anyone is "good", I would have to say it would be sinless angels, and here they are, burning from God's holiness. The painful truth is that we deserve "bad things", and any moment where we are not expiriencing something "bad" it is God's amazing grace alone that allows it.