Sunday, June 19, 2011

The disappearance of Lazarus

It doesn't matter if you are Christian or not, you know the name Lazarus.
You know the story.

He was Jesus' friend.
He died.
Jesus wept.
Jesus made the journey to Lazarus' tomb.
Jesus shouted for Lazarus to come out.
Lazarus came back to life and exited the tomb.

We remember the story because it was an amazing miracle.

Lazarus was a part of one of the greatest miracles ever witnessed.
And then...........

Lazarus disappeared.

You might be reading this now and saying to yourself, "Tom, you're missing the point. The story is about Jesus and the miracle he performed. Lazarus is insignificant".

I would respond by saying, "You're right".

However, I also believe that is only half of the reason this story exists in the Bible.

My opinion is that this story is not just to inform us that Jesus raised somebody from the dead.......He has done that before.

You don't hear anything else about Lazarus after that day (except once, where someone mentioned his name along with Jesus, as people that they wanted dead).

This story of the raising of Lazarus from the dead is more than just about the miracle that Jesus performed.

Lazarus disappeared!!

Here was a man that had been given a second chance at life.
A new beginning.

What did Lazarus do with his second opportunity?

We don't know......Lazarus just vanishes into thin air.

Now, let's say that Lazarus did something awesome with his second chance.
Wouldn't you think it would be recorded in the scriptures?

Of course it would.

Here is what I think. Lazarus went on living a normal life.
And he totally blew a second chance at life.

I can't prove it, but it makes sense to me.

If you are reading this and you are a skeptic, I pray that Jesus'. Miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead leaves you in awe and that maybe you decide that if Jesus truly did that, that He may actually be God incarnate.

If you are reading this and are a Christian, I want you to think about this.
There was a day when Jesus called you out of the tomb as well.

What are you doing with your life now?
Are you alive but still have the stench of death on you?
Or have you charged out of the tomb with a bucket of ice water looking to push back the gates of Hell?

Christian, Don't you dare just come out of your tomb and live an ordinary life.
Don't you dare!

Jesus has called you out!

Leave the disappearing act to Lazarus........and you go change the world!