Monday, October 4, 2010

Dust, dirt, and ash

"…….For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return" -Genesis 3:19

Kind of an interesting thought isn't it?

I heard a report a while back that said most of the dust in our home is made up of numerous components, one of the major ones is dead skin.
We are made of dirt dust and ash.

You are a walking heap of ashes. Congratulations!

The reality of it all is this: To dust we will return.
Sooner or later, this walking pile of dirt and ash is going to return to the ground from where it came…….and what comes next?

You see, for me as a Christ follower, I believe that when this body comes to it's final resting place, that will be the first day of eternity for me….there is life after death.

For the atheist however, when the body of dirt and ash returns to dirt and ash, nothing happens….that's it…….there is nothing else……..the end.

Now, if I am right and there is a real place called Heaven and a real place called Hell, the day of death is going to be a bad day for those who don't believe.

Now, if I am wrong and there is no God or Heaven and no Hell, then when we all die, absolutely nothing happens.

So here is the point, there is nothing to risk by choosing to believe in Jesus and giving Him the leadership of your life. On the other hand there seems to be quite a bit of risk in choosing not to believe in Jesus.

Nobody is promised tomorrow. The people in the World Trade Center thought life was just peachy at 7:00am on September 11th.

Don't waste this day.

Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, today is a gift…..that's why it is called the present!

When my walking pile of dust and dirt return to the ground, I am going to be present with Jesus.

You may not think He is real.................but don't bet your ash on it!