Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hoist your sail

I was at a pastor's conference today and I heard something that struck a chord with me. The comment is common sense really, but the visual was awesome.

The pastor leading the discussion said, "If the wind blows and you don't have your sail up then you ain't goin' nowhere.


You might be a Christian, you might be an atheist, you might not know what you are today, but I think we can all agree on this.....preparation for anything is wise.

Think back to your school days. The kids that got the 4.00 grade point average didn't just show up for class and ace the test....they studied.....they worked at the grade.....they prepared themselves for the coming test.

Think about the hurricanes that whip through the Gulf. Which homes stand the better chance in surviving the winds? The ones that put the hurricane shutters on and built the houses to withstand the high winds. In other words, the houses that were prepared for the hurricane stand the best chance at remaining when the waters and winds recede.

See, you can have the nicest looking sailboat on the sea, but if you don't have your sails up when the wind kicks up, all you are ever gonna be is a nice looking sailboat going nowhere.

I think God has given some of us direction and has sent a huge wind, but we can't react because our sails have not been raised.

Maybe today you feel like your life has no direction and you are lost at sea.
Maybe you feel like your just not going anywhere.

Trust me on this.......The wind is blowing.....You just need to prepare to catch it.
Hoist your sail.

God has a plan for your life and will give your life direction.......you just have to be willing to receive the wind.