Over the last 10 days, it was like Night of the Living Dead at our house. People were walking around like their brains had been sucked out and replaced with green syrup that runs freely from the nostrils of the abducted. I began to wonder if it would ever end……and then……the H1N1 left the building. I don't think it happened all at once, but the proof that it had evacuated our bacteria-ridden house unveiled itself to me in about a 3 minute segment while at the dinner table the other night. I will do my best to describe the scene as I remember it.
All 5 of us are at the table eating…..
Caiden: jumps down and goes into the bathroom
Caiden: jumps out of bathroom with underwear around ankles and begins hopping to the table
Gavin: laughing, decides to join the naked jumping
Me: laughing
Kir: "Boys, pull your pants up and get back to the table"
Gavin: pulls pants up and gets back into his chair
Caiden: pulls pants up and goes back into the bathroom
Aislin: climbs down from her chair and pulls her pants down and begins hopping around
Caiden: back out of the bathroom, pants down and joins his sister hopping around
Me: laughing
Kir: "Aislin and Caiden! Pull up your pants, sit down and finish your dinner"
Gavin: "Can I be excused?"
Kir: "Have a couple more bites of chicken"
Gavin: shoves 2 chicken tenders in his mouth and disappears into living room
Caiden: follows Gavin
Me: laughing
Kir: "Caiden, you're not done, get back in here"
Caiden: rounds the corner with pants down hopping to the table, laughing hysterically
Aislin: climbs down with blueberry juice all over her and starts to pull her pants down
Kir: "Aislin!! Little girls do not do that…..neither should your brothers"
Me: laughing
Kir: "Thanks for your support, Tom"
Me: laughing
Now I feel something cold and pointy on the side of my head.
Gavin: with pants down holding a light saber to my temple, "I'm Luke Skywalker and you must die!!"
Kir: laughing
Me: "Thanks for your support, Kir"