Friday, April 16, 2010

From the Whirlwind

Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind -Job 38:1

When I first read this I asked myself, "What the freakin' heck is a whirlwind"?

The dictionary says that a whirlwind is basically a tornado, or a wild storm over land or water. So, God answers Job from a tornado……...Interesting.

Why does God answer Job from the middle of a whirlwind? Let's back up….
Job was a man of God. In the very first verse of the very first chapter of Job, the Bible says that he was a man that was blameless and upright. Wouldn't you love to have that said about you? I know I would.

So to make a long story short, Job's life begins falling down all around him. Some of his livestock was burnt to a crisp, and some were stolen. All of his children were crushed to death when the house they were in collapsed. His body developed boils and scabs all over it and they itched so badly that Job used a piece of broken pottery to scrape his skin. His own wife told him to "curse God and die".

Job had some friends that came by to check on him in his time of distress. Through several exchanges with his friends Job breaks down and starts wondering why all of this bad stuff is happening to him. So he asks why me? And who could blame him, the Bible even says he was blameless and upright.

Now picture in your mind the footage you remember seeing from hurricane Katrina. It was a disaster. The wind and water. Roofs ripped clean off houses. Boats flying hundreds of yards through the air and being deposited into homes. There was pain, suffering, chaos and mass confusion to the tenth power.

Now think about Job's situation. Everything he had was taken from him within about 10 minutes. Think about losing a child. He lost 10 at the same time!!!
Job was in the middle of pain, suffering, chaos and mass confusion to the tenth power.
A tornado……...

A whirlwind.

"Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind"

Perhaps you are experiencing pain, suffering, chaos and mass confusion to the tenth power in your life today. I need to tell you something……
God loves you just as much as He loved Job. He took the same care to create you as He did Job.
God has not forgotten you or forsaken you.

God is in the whirlwind.

Be thankful for the whirlwind………...God is near.